Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A New Adventure!

It's been a while since I last posted, and a lot has been going on!  We have been in the process of making some decisions for our family and our future, and one of the decisions has officially been made and put into action, and I'm so excited!  Let me fill you in.

For a few years now, I have had two friends that were independent consultants/now directors for Thirty-One Gifts, a great company that sells some of the most charming bags, accessories, and organizational supplies I have ever seen.  Better yet, they are named after Proverbs 31, the parable of a woman who is compassionate, loving, successful, and faithful to God and her family.  I've attended a few parties, bought a few items, and envied how excited my friends were about the opportunity they were taking advantage of.  Sure, I considered becoming a consultant as well.  Multiple times, actually.  My husband and I spoke about it on occassion and I always said, "When life isn't so busy, I'll consider it."  That was over a year ago.  Life is busier now than it was then, and I have realized that, until our children are grown and not dependent upon us, it's always going to be this way.

I love my family with my whole heart.  Everything that I do, I ask myself, "Will I glorify God through doing this?  Will my family benefit from this?"  When I considered becoming an independent consultant for Thirty-One over the last few weeks, I kept pushing it aside.  I asked myself those two questions but I kept thinking, "This is something I am considering doing for myself, because I want to.  It's beneficial to me, not to my family or God."  I immediately wrote the thought off and went about my life.  But over the last month, it kept creeping back up.  So I took some time to think about it.

This really was something I wanted to do.  I was drawn to the quality and beautiful design of the products.  I was lured by the joy and accomplishment I have seen in my friends who are associated with the company.  But I automatically assumed that me wanting to do something meant I was not being considerate of what God would want me to do or what was best for my family.  You see, I have this issue.  I'm considerate.  You think, "Great.  Here she goes tooting her own horn, saying she is so considerate that she can't bear to do anything for herself.  She wants us to think she is just so selfless."  Well, yes.  I am actually telling you that I'm very selfless.  But I am in no way "tooting my own horn." 

You see, for me, selflessness is one of my biggest sins.  I would sacrifice everything for the well-being of others, especially my family.  Up until a month ago, I set aside a quiet time to spend with God maybe once every month.  I was drifting so far from a personal relationship with Him.  I was too busy, but only because if anything came up that someone needed me to do, I said yes.  I didn't think about it.  I didn't make sure it fit into my family's schedule.  I said "yes" and made it fit, even if it meant sacrificing time with my family and God.  I don't think the word "no" left my lips once in 2013.  I was one of the biggest people pleases around.

This year, I resolved to be better.  I started off my year commiting to a daily devotion and quiet time.  In the past, I started a "Read the Bible in a Year" plan every New Years Day.  The longest i ever made it before giving up was a month.  This year, I commited to a 15-day plan first.  I realized that I need to start small and work my way up!  I finished it and have moved on to a new month-long reading plan. I wanted to start taking better care of my body.  So I devoted myself to a month-long plan that I can do throughout my day and without needing to use the television.  I can workout in my living room, my bedroom, or my son's bedroom as he plays.  He even does squats and leg lifts with me... Enthusiastically!  I also promised myself I would be happier.  And one thing that know I need to do to be happier is to set aside time and certain things for myself.  Not mommy time. Not chores time.  But "me" time.  A time to do things that I am passionate and excited about.  Cue my new adventure!

After months of thinking about it, and about a week after resolving to do things to make myself happier, I was presented with an opportunity.  A chance to do something for me, that also glorified God and benefited my family.  I was given the chance to become an independent consultant for Thirty-One and I couldn't turn it down.

"But wait!  Didn't you say earlier that you pushed that idea away because you didn't feel it glorified God or benefited your family?"  Why, yes, I did!  And then I got smart and realized I was SO completely wrong.  This last week has been busy, but amazing.  I have continued to work on my health and physical body.  I have been spending time reading and talking with God.  And I've begun building a business that I am excited and passionate about.  And I'm happy!  I came to the realization that this decision was just right for my family and me after talking with a friend (who is now my director,) and my  husband.  I needed an outlet, an area of my life that could be mine.  But it needed to be something I cared about and that would allow me to have some time to myself, while still fitting around my family's schedule. Thirty-One is just the right fit.

How does it glorify God?  I'm awful at talking to people I don't know.  I want to connect with my neighbors and have the courage to talk to others about my church, but I can't even squeak out a "hello" in passing without feeling awkward.  If I want to be successful in my business, I'm going to be getting over that real quick.  And I have already gained courage to speak to others without having known them for more than five minutes!  I can use my business and time as a way to show them the joy that I feel and tell them why I am so happy!

How does it benefit my family?  Aside from the fact that I can contribute to our finances and help set aside money for vacation, a home, bills, etc, I am a much more happy wife and mommy than I was a month ago.  And a happy mommy is much more understanding with her sick, tired baby when he wakes up every hour at night, and more patient with her potty-training toddler.  A happy mommy plays more, makes cookies more, and reads more books.  A happy wife spends time cuddling on the couch and actually talkin with her husband.

And a happy wife/mommy is just happy.  I'm tired and busy, but I'm in fellowship with God, I'm playing with my kids, I'm spending time with my husband, I'm beginning to build a business, and I'm happy.  In my book, 2014 is already shaping up to be my best year yet.  Time to see where it all leads!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Below-Zero Chicken Noodle Soup

It was COLD here this week.  Below freezing, in fact.  There were so many stories of frozen water pipes and pictures of frost inside windows.  And, of course, what freezing cold day would be complete without at least twenty Facebook friends posting screenshots of their weather app or pictures of their car dashboard showing the absurd below-zero temperature.  We were all cold.

To make matters worse, I started getting sick that day.  I despise being sick.  Especially the "I don't want to do anything but lay on the couch and nap and watch TV" sickness that hit me in the morning.  But, I'm a mommy, and mommies don't get sick days.  So I did the next best thing to sleeping...  I made homemade soup.  I love cooking and baking, and decided to share my first ever recipe on the blog.  This may lead to more recipe-type posts of some favorite recipes I've come up with myself.  I do have a plethora of unique and delicious dishes, if I may toot my own horn. We will see if they get added in future posts.

I should also note that I don't always do things fully homemade.  In fact, I am a big fan of semi-homemade recipes.  I did not make my own noodles or broth for this recipe.  As awesome as that would be, I just don't have the time!  I do, however, try to buy the most healthy options possible when making something not entirely from "scratch."  I also like to save money, so I use a lot of generic brand products.  You may use whatever brands you'd like.  If I prefer a certain brand in a recipe, it will be noted in the ingredient list.  Also, this is not a perfect recipe.  And you might not like it.  We do, and that's why I'm posting it.  Because someone out there is bound to have the same taste as us.  Throw this in the crockpot the next cold day you get, and cozy up with a good book (or watching a movie with your kiddos like I did,) while your house fills with the yummy scent of homemade goodness instead of microwaved store-bought canned soup!

Below-Zero Chicken Noodle Soup

Ingredient List
2-3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
3 stalks celery
1 cup baby carrots
12oz egg noodles
64oz chicken broth
1tbsp McCormick Perfect Pinch Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning
1tsp garlic salt
1tsp thyme
1tsp onion powder
1tsp parsley
2 cups water
olive oil
salt and pepper (to taste)

Chop your celery and carrots into bite-sized chunks.  (I do my celery stalks longways first to prevent having huge pieces, and I buy petite baby carrots to eliminate the need to peel and dice.  Plus, I hate carrots so if I have small enough pieces, I almost forget they're in there!)

I love the colors of chopped fresh veggies!

Trim the fat from your chicken breasts and cut into bite-sized chunks.

Drizzle olive oil for a turn of the pan into a large skillet.  Add your chicken and McCormick seasoning.  Saute until golden brown.

Add celery, carrots, 1/2 tsp onion powder and 1/2 tsp garlic salt.  Saute 5 minutes just to begin to soften your veggies and to combine flavors.

Add chicken and veggies to crockpot.  Rinse skillet with some of the chicken broth to loosen and gather any of the yummy bits of seasoning stuck to the pan.  (The best part of this soup is the sauteed taste!)  Add remainder of chicken broth to crockpot, as well as the water.  Add remaining 1/2 tsp onion powder and 1/2 tsp garlic salt, as well as parsley, thyme, and salt and pepper (to taste.)

Cook on low for 6 hours.  

In the last hour of cooking, add your egg noodles OR cook egg noodles separately and add to completed soup before serving.  (As a word of warning, whole wheat egg noodles, while healthier, tend to become very mushy when cooked in broth too long.  If you don't mind a mushy noodle, add them to the crockpot whenever you'd like.  If you'd prefer a more formed, sturdy noodle, add them as previously directed.  Or opt for regular egg noodles and add whenever you'd like!)

Serve steamy and warm, preferably with some fresh baked bread of Texas Toast grilled cheese sandwiches.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Resolutions of an Overtired, Desperate Mommy

The holiday season has come to a close, and aside from feeling wonderful about the time we spent with our little family as well as extended family, I am exhausted.  I love spending time with everyone, but traveling away from home is so tiring.  We got to spend two and a half days in our home in the past two weeks, traveled in two completely opposite directions within a four day span, and I can honestly say that I never want to travel like that again.  When we are away from home, our boys don't sleep well.  Which means that Mommy barely sleeps at all.  The time of year that I used to adore became something I didn't want this year... A burden.  I didn't smile enough.  I was too grumpy.  I cried a lot more than I should have.  And for the first time, I am so happy that Christmas is over.  Never in my life do I want to feel that way about "the most wonderful time of the year" again.

So, in the spirit of the New Year, here are my resolutions.  Not all of them will seem like resolutions, as they are more accurately called, "Things I Want to Do to Make Life as a Wife and Mommy More Joyful."  Here we go.

1- I will stop dwelling on the past.  (Yes, this holiday season was very hard on me.  But I can't change that now, aside from being sure future ones are different.)

2- I will end this year closer to God than I have begun it.  (Because I have begun it way too far from Him.)

3- I will get into shape.  (Not just physically, but mentally and spiritually as well.  I even worked out today for the first time in a year.  Yes, I suck at working out.  And yes, I hurt really bad.)

4- I will love my husband more. (This means more date nights and more time spent together without a television on or phone in hand.  Watch out, babysitters.  You will be getting phone calls.)

5- I will love my children more and be more patient. (I have lacked in this a lot lately, especially around the holiday, and it has resulted in many tears and much hurt in my heart.  I won't feel like this anymore.)

6- I will be a friend. (I have a hard time with this one.  I have no close friends to confide in, spend time with, and just have a break away with.  And no one looks to me as a friend in that way either.  That will change.)

7- My house won't look perfect. (No, this is not a cop-out to allow me not to clean.  This is me realizing that I spend way too much time keeping my house neat and not enough time playing cars and giggling.  My house is not as important as my children.  It will be sanitary, but not always orderly.  And that is okay.)

8- I will not take as many pictures.  (I have my phone in my hand almost constantly, not always because I'm playing a game or Facebooking, but because I'm taking pictures and videos.  I love having the reminders, but I am missing the moment.)

9- I will stick to our budget and save money for something big.  (I am so very tired of apartment living and putting our money into something that isn't ours.  Time to try to change that one.)

10- We will spend more time at home for the holidays.  (I'm sorry if this is a hard one for our families to be okay with, but I shouldn't spend my holiday evenings crying.  Roads goes north and south, east and west, and we shouldn't need to travel every direction every year.  We may not have a house yet, but we have a pull-out couch, air mattress, and live beside a hotel.  We can make that work so that I don't grow to resent the Christmas season.)

11- Aside from God, my family will be the most important thing to me.  (My decisions will be based firstly on what is right in God's eyes, and secondly on what is best for my family.  Those are the only two options.  In the past, every choice has been based on what the other person(s) affected by the choice will think of me.  But if you aren't my God, husband or sons, then your opinion doesn't rank as high.)

12- I will read more and write more.  (I love to read, but have trouble keeping up with reading things that will enrich my life.  This year will bring more reading of enlightening literature and journaling.)

There are plenty of other things that will change this year, (like, I will not be pregnant at any time during 2014.  At least, I don't plan to be!) but they don't all need mentioning.  Everything stems from my top 12 resolutions.  And I will work my hardest to stick to them.  All I ask in return is that my family and friends help me to be accountable and to fulfill them.

So, what are you resolving to this year?